Promising future for hydrography

Promising future for hydrography

The hydrography profession seems to have a lower profile among young people compared to other marine sciences. Enrolment in hydrography courses has been decreasing for many years,...

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Observing the ocean together

Observing the ocean together

Collaborating and coordinating are two very important tasks of EuroGOOS, the European Global Ocean Observing System, located in Brussels. The member organizations work together to...

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Hydrography to Fill in the 'I' in ECDIS

Hydrography to Fill in the 'I' in ECDIS

Hydrographers need to step up and fill the I in ECDIS, says Michael Casey, vice president Geospatial Systems at IIC Technologies and prior to that director for Nautical Charting at...

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Maritime Authority in the Caribbean

Maritime Authority in the Caribbean

Having learned of the tremendous effort made by the Maritime Authority of Suriname, led by Mr Michel Amafo, in developing its hydrographic service, Hydro International now has the...

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The Thing about Bing

The Thing about Bing

Bing Maps users will soon be able to look skyward from Streetside and see the stars and constellations. That is just one of the ways in which the Bing Maps team is creating what ma...

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The Thing about Bing

The Thing about Bing

Bing Maps users will soon be able to look skyward from Streetside and see the stars and constellations. That is just one of the ways in which the Bing Maps team is creating what ma...

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Hydrography in a Wider Context

Hydrography in a Wider Context

Modern Hydrography needs to be embedded in the much wider context of geographic information gathering and dissemination. This message will be broadcasted during Hydro2010 in Rostoc...

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Remarkable Achievements

Remarkable Achievements

The International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) turns 50 this year. Since the UNESCO Commission was established in 1960 the IOC has made some remarkable achievements with relative...

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Geomares: Quality is Our Motto

Geomares: Quality is Our Motto

Geomares Publishing is the new media company behind Hydro international, which in October took over ownership from the magazine’s previous publisher of almost ten years, Reed Busin...

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UNCLOS: Sharing Benefits

UNCLOS: Sharing Benefits

Sharing benefits arising from the exploitation of mineral resources of the deep seabed between developed and developing countries is one of the main goals of the United Nations Con...

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30 Years of Success

30 Years of Success

Dr Salem E. Masry, president and chief executive officer of CARIS, accepted to be interviewed by Hydro international on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his enterprise. Dr...

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Energy Business Analyst

Energy Business Analyst

The European Union has set a target stating that a 20% share of energy should come from renewable sources by 2020. Electricity systems will have to incorporate more renewable energ...

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The Great Standardisation Payoff

The Great Standardisation Payoff

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), established in 1994, develops standards for geospatial and location-based services. From its first approved implementation specification in 19...

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Following a Legacy

Following a Legacy

At the invitation of Prince Albert I, the Principality of Monaco has been the headquarters of the International Hydrographic Organization since 1921. Looking at the annual reports...

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Improving Safety at Sea

Improving Safety at Sea

Last month we brought you a feature article on the recent progress in the European satellite navigation system, Galileo. We discussed the motivation, the funding problems and the p...

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Under the Sea and on the Water

Under the Sea and on the Water

Technical conference Offshore Survey 09 takes place at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton (UK) on 1–2 April. It is targeted at those in the ocean industry who are invo...

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