Call for Papers for Hydro17 Rotterdam
On behalf of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies, the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB) invites professionals to submit a conference paper for the Hydro17 conference. The conference will be held on board the luxurious steam ship SS Rotterdam between 13 and 16 November 2017. SS Rotterdam is permanently moored on the south bank of the port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Hydro17 will focus on strengthening the internal connection within the hydrographic world and seeking connection with adjacent disciplines. ‘Connection’ will therefore be a common theme throughout the conference, but the Hydrographic Society Benelux will also be celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hydro conferences! This call is open to abstracts addressing a hydrographic theme, but not limited to the following topics:
- Innovations in acquisition techniques
- Data processing
- Data management & integration
- Cost-effective solutions
- Geophysics of the marine environment
- Subsea surveying
- Dredging & Offshore
- Marine renewables
- Accurate hydrodynamics
- Oceanography
- Education & training
- The future of the hydrographic profession
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of 300 words or less before 28 February 2017. The abstract must include the following:
- Title of the proposed presentation;
- The names and affiliations of all authors;
- Identification of intended presenter, including contact details.
Contributions from young people (including students) and developing countries are especially encouraged. Contributions that are very commercial in nature, rather than innovative, will not be accepted.
Abstracts can be submitted to [email protected]. Authors submitting abstracts that are accepted will be notified before 30 April 2017. Guidelines for submitting the full conference paper and presentation material will be sent with the notification and made available on During the conference, the abstracts will be available in the conference book.
It is necessary to register for the conference separately from the abstract submission process. At the time of publication of this call for papers, registration is not yet possible. Online registration can be completed at If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact us via [email protected].
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