Dredging Workshop
The Hydrographic Society Benelux, together with the dredgers organisation CEDA, assembled on 30 September at the headquarters of Van Oord in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. After a buffet dinner, the participants were able to see the simulators.
The main part of the evening consisted of presentations. Harm Wind, senior software engineer and Peter Paul Hoffman, team manager Graphic Design E&E at Van Oord started with Survey visualisation by VOSS.net software; Modelling, processes and visualisation of survey data and a seamless interface between survey and engineering. This presentation was followed by a presentation by Eric Peeters, senior surveyor and previous head of Survey at the Maasvlakte-2 project and Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk of piLot Survey Services on Construction and Measurement Accuracies – a survey contribution to the development of the new SBRCUR handbook Construction and Survey Accuracies. Best Practices from the Maasvlakte-2 Project.
A social get-together concluded this gathering, forging links between the hydrographic and dredging professionals.
Next Events
The next HSB meeting will be held on 12 December 2014 together with NIN and GeoInfo, with the theme Satellite Navigation GPS, Glonass, BeiDou and Galileo: New Developments. Programme and registration are available on the website: www.hydrographicsocietybenelux.eu.
Looking further ahead, a joint workshop with the German DHyG is to take place on 18 and 19 February 2014 on the island of Terschelling. Additional information will be made available on the HSB website.

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