Hydrographic Societies
Hydrographic Society Russia
HSR Honorary Member Jubilee
It seems as though it was only recently that HSR members and hydrographers of Russia marked the 80-year birthday of honorary member of the HSR Alexandr Ivanovich Sorokin. And now he has already turned 85!
Member of the Russian Geographical society, honoured scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, rear admiral (retired) Alexandr Sorokin is one of the founders of the HSR.
A.I. Sorokin participated in many expeditions to the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. During one of the first in 1950-1960, he was engaged in research on drifting ice in the Arctic Ocean, and he has participated at many international conferences.
He has solved specific problems connected to various fields of scientific knowledge - related to
hydrography, oceanography, cartography and navigation. In addition, as the author of The English-Russian dictionary on navigation, hydrography and oceanography, he has done great work in the field of terminology.
Despite his age, Alexandr I. Sorokin has not stopped with his scientific activities. In 2008, his book entitled Works on hydrography and adjacent sciences was published. This edition contains not only his basic scientific works, but also memoirs of his life and service in hydrography.
The Russian hydrographers warmly congratulated Alexandr Sorokin on the occasion of his birthday. The HSR president, Dr Nikolay Neronov, presented him with a special letter and gift, on behalf of the Society members.
Assistance to Schools
The HSR continues to promote activity of the history-geography club of St Petersburg School No. 43. So, on 3 Septem-ber, some HSR members led by HSR president Nikolay Neronov took part in the club's activity in the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery in St Petersburg. On this day in 1913, the Russian hydrographic expedition to the Arctic Ocean, headed by Boris Vilkitsky, opened an unknown archipelago, known today as the Northern Earth. The club annually commemorates this day by visiting the tomb of Boris Vilkitsky. The club organiser, Mrs Elena Nazarenko, brought the new pupils/members of the club to the cemetery. The pupils cleaned and tidied around tombs of several hydrographers/researchers of the Arctic Ocean. President Nikolay Neronov spoke about the Arctic researchers, after which flowers were laid on the monument of Boris Vilkitsky's tomb.
Hydrographic Society Benelux
Technical Event
A technical event was held in the weekend of 19 and 20 September in the town of Uden (the Netherlands). The aim of the event was to get children and adolescents in touch with technology. Hydrographic surveying and the art and science of hydrography truly means working in a high-tech environment and so Skilltrade and STC organised part of the event around ‘hydrography'.
An interactive exhibition was put together with input from many organisations and companies, including the HSB, Vereniging van Waterbouwers, Nautikaris, Van Oord, Boskalis, TU Delft, Allseas, Periplus, ACG, Saipem, the Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy, the Dutch National Dredging Museum and Pilot Surveys. Twelve very enthusiastic volunteers put together a two-day display on hydrography, in which children were exposed to various aspects of the profession such as tides, data interpretation, GPS, level instruments, side-scan sonar, oil field developments, dredgers, education, survey software, DTM modelling, geodesy and interactive dredging. Outside, two swimming pools were set up: one in which children could navigate themselves with a VideoRay ROV and another in which children could experience the techniques of survival at sea by emerging in a real survival suit and climbing in and out of a survival raft. A whole new world opened up for the children as it is uncommon to experience such techniques, except vicariously on the Discovery Channel. The opportunity to be able to understand what hydrography really entails was greatly appreciated by all kids and parents, and provided each of them with an insight into a very interesting career, education or profession.

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