Hydrographic Society Benelux
Much has happened during this summer in relation to the transition of The Hydrographic Society towards becoming the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies. During THS meetings in autumn 2001 an agreement in principle was reached to evolve the Hydrographic Society into an international federation of independent national societies. Following this agreement the THS council developed proposals for the legal structure of the future federation and transition from the present THS to the new body. This process culminated in a draft constitution for an international federation under English law. During the Hydrographic Society Benelux AGM in February 2004 this draft constitution was put to the vote and rejected, on the grounds that it was overly complicated and lacking any day-to-day operational structure. Despite the negative vote, the members also reiterated the desire of the HSB to be part of the international community of hydrographers and member of an international federation.
During the summer significant steps have been made to revive the evolution from THS into IFHS. Following his appointment to the chair of THS/IFHS, Paul Hornsby prepared a draft Strategic Business Plan with proposed outlines of vision, mission, objectives and possible activities of the new federation. A separate and independent UK hydrographic society was established to make room for the transition of the old THS into the new federation and a start was made with the collection of outstanding membership fees, as agreed back in 2002. Further to the strategic plan, Paul requested the HSB to prepare a business plan and procedures for the activities and daily operation of the federation. During much of August a committee consisting of Roelf van Dam, Peter Boon and Cor Don prepared the contours of day-to-day procedures and these have been communicated to Paul Hornsby for further distribution and review.
All in all, the executive committee of the HSB is positive about the developments and supportive of the initiatives taken by Paul Hornsby. Based on the progress to date, it is hoped that the federation could commence operation as early as November. Before that date the executive committee of the HSB will call for an extraordinary general meeting to present the outlines of the federation and ask for a vote on joining it.
- 15th October 2004 - Airborne survey, Delft
- 27th October 2004 - Study Day Hydrography, Campus University, Oostende, Belgium
- 10th December 2004 - Oceanography, Delft
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