Hydrographic Society Benelux
In December 2004, the Hydrographic Society Benelux held a mini-workshop during which the winner was announced of the Educational Fund ‘best thesis of the year’ award.
Survey support for dredging projects was the theme before the break of the afternoon workshop, hosted by “Van Oord” in Rotterdam. Michel Koper, manager of the survey department of “Van Oord”, presented an insight into ‘The world of Dredging’ from the surveyor’s point of view. The presentation concluded with a film showing of ‘The Palm Jumeirah’ land-reclamation project in Dubai.
After the break came announcement of the Educational Fund award. The Educational Fund committee had received nine theses in 2004, three of which had been nominated for the award. Mr Johan Stam, EF committee chairman, announced the names of award winners. First place went to ‘A study to sand waves in the Marsdiep’, by Maarten Bangma and Jaap de Vos. In second place was ‘Metrology for spoolpiece and jumper’, by Jeroen Bruin and Floris de Koning. The third place went to ‘The development of the OBS sensor’, by Robert Parinussa.
Mr Bangma and Mr de Vos each received a cheque for €250. They then gave a summary of their thesis about the movement of large sand waves in the Marsdiep between Den Helder and Texel, data having been measured over six years using ferry-mounted ADCP and analysed using Matlab.
About 75 people attended the Christmas drinks party to congratulate the winners on their award.
Att. T.H. Heringa
Postbus 175
1970 AD IJmuiden
Tel: +31 255 545 622
Fax: +31 255 545 645

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