Hydrographic Society Benelux

Hydrographic Society Benelux

Annual General Meeting
The second Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hydro-graphic Society Benelux (HSB) took at the Faculty of Geodesy of the Technical University in Delft place on 7 February 2003. Prior to the meeting there was a workshop on GIS and Data management. A report of this workshop may be found in the March issue of Hydro international and presentations may be downloaded from the HSB web-site at www.hydrographicsociety.nl.
The AGM was attended by 24 individual and eleven corporate members and was the first since establishment of the HSB in its new independent capacity. Much of the meeting was devoted to a review of activities in the first year and presentation of the HSB General and Educational Fund Covenant, the website, proposals for the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies and the election of the board for 2003.
The Minutes of Meeting of the AGM 2002 as published in Hydro international were accepted without amendments. The Annual report of the Chairman and Secretary 2002 was presented and accepted by the meeting. The annual report of the treasurer was presented and clarified by Mr. Rob van Ree. The AGM accepted a proposal to leave the contribution for members unchanged for the year 2003. In addition to standard expenditure in connection with the activities of the HSB, the AGM also agreed to sponsor a promotional campaign for the hydrographic study course at the Northern Technical and Nautical College on Terschelling, to promote the hydrographic profession and stimulate the entry of new students. The financial auditing committee reported having inspected all accounts over 2002 and found them in order. The AGM discharged the treasurer for the year 2002.
The Board presented proposals for an HSB General Covenant. It was finally decided to have the proposal reviewed by a committee comprising Cor Don and Hessel Bakker, who will submit their report to the next AGM. In the meantime, the board will direct the HSB in accordance with the draft covenant.
The Educational Fund Committee and the Board presented draft guidelines for the operation of the fund. After acceptance by the AGM, the meeting elected Roelf van Dam, Sicco Kamminga, Johan Stam and Sjoerd van den Brom to manage the Educational Fund.
Arnoud Vernimmen presented the HSB website. In addition to factual information concerning the HSB, such as the Board, addresses, membership, covenant etc., the site also facilitates the exchange of information, questions and answers and download facilities for presentations during HSB workshops.
During 2002, the Board of The Hydrographic Society (THS) formulated proposals for the new International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS), to be established by the four former branches of the THS. The federation will provide an umbrella for national hydrographic societies and facilitate continuing publication of the Hydrographic Journal, the Diary, maintenance of the international website and organisation of the Hydro series of conferences and other dedicated workshops. The AGM approved continued association of the HSB with the IFHS.
The chairman reported that a number of Dutch geodetic and land survey societies were proposing a full merger to form the Geo Informatie Nederland (GIN). The AGM approved arrival at some form of association but was not in favour of a full merger with GIN.
Further to the retirement of two members of the Board, Arnoud Vernimmen and Cees the Jong, two new Board members were elected, resulting in the following Board for the year 2003: Rob Luijnenburg (chairman), Tanja Heringa (secretary), Rob van Ree (treasurer), Cor Beemster, Sjoerd van den Brom, Stijn Claes, Carlos Vernemmen, Ellen Stuifbergen and Floris Siteur (executive members).
In the concluding session plans were discussed for the promotion of hydrography in Belgium. It was suggested that the Educational Fund could serve as sponsor for relevant initiatives. Mr. C. van Cauwenberge and Mr. L. Boehme are looking into the matter.

T.H. Heringa
RWS-Directie Noord-Holland
P.O. Box 175
1970 AD IJmuiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 255 545 622
Fax: +31 255 545 645

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