Hydrographic Society, Denmark
About ‘The old Surveyor’
It is unbelievable: our membership is growing but not a single member takes the half hour required to express his or her either positive or negative opinion… how can this be? A good story from the sea, a new experience or a new area of interest could also fill the bill.
How do you expect the HSD Board alone to keep up the spirit?
So let these lines be a challenge to other readers - forget your age - take up the challenge and send a response to this column by e-mail to [email protected] and your input will appear, unedited, in the coming issue.
Local News
AGM March 2003
The Annual General Meeting was held on 20th March 2003 at the premises of Alcatel Submarine Networks Marine, Copenhagen. The Agenda:
- Election of Chairman
- President’s report
- Presentation of the revised accounts
- Fixing the subscription and presentation of the budget for 2003
- Election of the President of the Society
- Election of Board members and alternates for the Board
- Election of Auditors and alternates
- Dealing with proposals submitted
- Any other business
Resume Summary
Re. 1: Jesper Moelgaard from KMS was unanimously elected Chairman. The announcement of the Annual General Meeting was not carried out with due notice, in accordance with the statutes of the HSD. The members present at the AGM unanimously decided to carry through the Meeting.
Re. 2: Morten Soelvsten, the President, reported from the President’s report
28th February 2002: the last AGM was held at DHI. Workshop meeting lecture by Peter Lauridsen from DHI on the subject ‘Where the hell is Sakhalin?’
11th November 2002: a workshop was held at FRV. Lecture by John Hughes Clarke on ‘Monitoring fine-scale seabed change and repetitive swath surveying methods’. Examples of capabilities and limitations of repetitive swath sonar methods were presented.
12th December 2002: lecture by Ulrich Ditlev. Subject: ‘Establishment of Windmill-Park at Roedsand’. The meeting was cancelled due to the EEC summit in Copenhagen.
6th February 2003: lecture by Knut Gjerstat. Subject: ‘Forced mapping of the Norwegian coast’. Cancelled as Knut unfortunately was taken ‘long-term ill’.
Board Meetings:
A Board Meeting was held on 20th February 2003. The communication necessary between Board members has been taken care of via e-mails.
The Web-site will continue to be our method of information communication. Hugo Meister has simply been too busy, first in ending his job at DHI and then getting acquainted with his new job as Director of the former GMI, now part of Eiva A/S. In the light of this, Hugo has agreed to leave the task of Web-master to Per Larsen from FRV.
Membership Stability:
HSD has lost two corporate memberships: Maridan and MacArtney. Maridan are closed down but MacArtney resigned its membership due, according to reports, to the size of the subscription fee.
We now have eighteen corporate memberships and, even more positively, 31 individual memberships.
International Federation of Hydrographic Societies:
Our association with IFHS has, unfortunately, not been quite as we had expected. We cannot be only part of the umbrella organisation; we shall also contribute financially to IFHS. In the future, HSD is to pay £10 per member.
As in previous years, the Board is requesting others - especially firms - to make proposals to meetings. Kim Kyhl from Reson has informed us that Reson will be able to act as host during the coming season.
Re. 3: The Treasurer, Niels J¿rgen Vase, was absent due to a business trip. John Nielsen presented the figures of the accounts. (A detail account can be seen on our Web-site).
Balance as per 31.12.2002, Total Liabilities DKK 212,325.81.
Re. 4: Board proposal: Unchanged subscription fee for 2003. The subscription for individual members remains DDK 200 and for corporate members, DDK 3,200. The budget for 2003 was presented by John Nielsen and was unanimously passed by members present.
Re. 5: No candidates ran against Morten Soelvsten; he was re-elected as President of HSD.
Re. 6: Election to the Board: Soeren Lund Christensen and Anders Fertin were both re-elected.
Election as alternate: Henning Riis did not wish for re-election. New alternate; Jesper Hoejdahl was unanimously elected.
Re. 7: Election of auditors: John Nielsen and Henning Pedersen.
Re. 9: The President announced that it is the intention of the Board to spend part of the amounts on the Society’s accounts to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of our Society.
New Board
President Morten Soelvsten, Farvandsvaesenet.
Treasurer Niels Joergen Vase, EIVA A/S.
Secretary Hugo Meister, EIVA A/S.
Soeren Lund Christensen, Alcatel Submarine Networks Marine.
Anders Fertin, Farvandsvaesenet.
Carsten Ploug, COWI.
Jesper Hoejdahl, Reson.
John Nielsen, EIVA A/S.
Henning Pedersen
Contact (New)
Hydrographic Society,
Att. Hugo Meister
Oldenvej 43,
DK-3490 Kvistgaard
Tel: +45 8628 2011
Fax: +45 4917 7554

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