Hydrographic Society Russia

Hydrographic Society Russia

From 21st to 23rd September 2004 some HSR members, including the secretary, visited Sevastopol to take part in the Jubilee Conference of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the founding of this institute. Among those participating in the conference were representatives of the scientific circles of the Ukraine, Russian Federation and other countries.

Academician Valeriy N. Yeremeyev, one of the creators and head of the Ukrainian Oceanological Centre gave a jubilee report. His centre has joined the leading marine organisations of the country. Various trends in the theoretical and experimental activities of the institute - one of the largest oceanographic centres in the world – were reflected in reports made during the conference. Investigations into ecological, oceanographic profile and, in particular, large-scale studies of sea dynamics and acoustics, shelf hydrophysics, ocean and atmosphere interaction, and nuclear hydrophhysics are all included in the institute’s research programme. Of late, particular attention has been given to applied investigations of sea-shelf zones, study of regularities of coastal sea ecosystem development under conditions of active anthropogenic impact, and solutions for a broad range of tasks related to profitable shelf-area resources use. Together with theoretical developments and laboratory experiments, the institute carries out complex expeditionary investigations aboard research vessels, the most famous of which are the Aka-demik Vernadskiy, Mikhail Lomonosov and the Professor Kolesnikov.
MHI takes part in the realisation of various programmes in the sphere of marine sciences and technologies within the framework of bilateral co-operation with Russia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, the USA and Sweden. During the last ten years the institute has participated in projects conducted by the UN, UNESCO, US Fund of civil investigations, the EC and NATO. Co-operation with such important research technical potential and highly skilled personnel undoubtedly illustrates promising prospects in the development of the institute.
At the invitation of the director of the Experimental Branch of the MHI EB MHI, Dr Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov, the HSR secretary visited this branch, situated on the Cremea peninsula in settlement Katsiveli (www.katsiveli.inf.net) and created in 1929 under the initiative of remarkable Soviet scientific academician Vasily V. Shulejkin. It was the first stationary, sea hydrophysical station in the world, intended for performance of regular research into processes and phenomena in a coastal zone. Dr A. Kuznetsov conducted a tour of the basic premises of the branch, including a scientific library in which artefacts from a cabinet of Academician V. Shulejkin are carefully kept.

Hydrographic Society Russia (HSR)
Att. Viktor Rybine
Kozhevennaja linija 41
Saint-Petersburg 199106
T/F: +7 812 350 5026

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