Hydrographic Society Russia
Annual General Meeting
On 7 April 2010 the 17th AGM of the Hydrographic Society Russia took place in a conference hall of the Department of Navigation and Oceanography (DNO) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. There were 85 members of the Society present at the meeting.
The agenda was traditional. Before starting the first item on the agenda, the HSR President Nikolay Neronov asked everyone to stand in memory of the hydrographers who had died during the past year. Then he handed over membership cards to several of our new comrades.
The following points, in particular, were noted by the president on HSR activities for the accounting period:
- The HSR database now has 246 members, 2 of whom are honorary members. 184 members live in St. Petersburg, the others, among other, in Moscow, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.
- The Society continued to award the best graduates - hydrographers with the Honorary HSR Diplomas: the ‘Professor A. P. Belobrov Diploma' diplomas. For the period from the year 2000 until March 2010 honorary diplomas named after Professor A.P.Belobrov (specialisation ‘hydrography') were awarded to 30 students and honorary diplomas named after Professor V.A.Snezhinskiy (specialisation ‘hydrometeorology') were awarded to 10 graduates of the Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy and the St. Petersburg Naval Institute.
- One of the decisions of IV Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference that took place last year in Monaco dealt with the formulation of the term ‘Hydrography'. This formulation has caused discussion among HSR members. It was suggested to organise a round table discussion on this in the near future.
- During the reporting period 4 information letters were prepared and dispatched to members;
- HSR Council had continuous connections with the St. Petersburg Society of a Geodesy and Cartography. A number of actions have been carried out together, on the platform of the Russian Geographic Society.
The report of the Auditing committee was unanimously approved. A secret ballot resulted in the re-election of N.N. Neronov as HSR president, N.A.Nesterov as vice-president and V.G. Smirnov as Secretary. Messrs A.A. Lebedev, A.O. Leonov, R.D. Romejko-Gfurko, V.G. Rybin and E.V. Medvyodkin were elected as HSR Council members by open vote.
At the end of the meeting a traditional buffet had been organised.
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