Hydrographic Society Russia
Hydrographer’s Day
13 October is the Hydrographer’s Day in Russia and members of the Hydrographic Society of Russia in celebrate it. This year, the day was special because it coincided with the 175th Jubilee of the Hydro-graphic service of Russia. In fact, on 13 October 1827 the Board (Office) of the General-Hydrographer in the marine ministry in St Petersburg was established. To honour this event, a conference was held, 11-12 October, on ‘The role and place of the Russian Navy Hydrographic Service in hydrographic security of the navigation in Russia’. More than 60 members of the HSR participated in this conference. Among them there were: honourable HSR member admiral A. I Rassokho (Hydrographer of the USSR 1963-1986), admiral A. P. Mikhaj-lovsky (Hydrographer of the USSR 1985-1988), admiral A. A. Komaritsin (Hydrographer of Russia from 1994). Reports made during the conference included: hydrographic and navigational security of the marine activity, digital cartography, scientific researches, hydrographic security of the rescue operations at sea, perspectives of development of the merchant fleet and others. The theme of one report was co-operation of the Hydrographic service (the Head Department of navigation and oceanography) with the Hydrographic Society of Russia and the Russian Geographic Society.
The important event of the conference was the entering of the name of the Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography in a folio of ‘The Gold Book of St Petersburg’. This book includes names of individuals and organisations which glorified the city by their deeds.
Hydrographic Society of Russia
Att. Victor Rybine
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