News from the Hydrographic Society, Russia
The fourteenth year of existence of the Hydrographic Society, Russia has passed and on 18th April the thirteenth AGM was held in Saint Petersburg in a conference hall of the Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography. As of this date, 227 persons were registered as members of the HSR. Unfortunately however, some were unable to attend: inhabitants of the remote cities of Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania and others absent on business trips, at work etc.
According to the accepted agenda, HSR President Nikolay Neronov reported on activities of the Society over the past year. He reminded members that as in previous years, HSR Information circulars continued to be issued, sessions of Council held on a regular basis, the Honorary diploma was awarded to graduate hydrographers, and messages concerning Society events were sent to Hydro INTERNATIONAL.
He also told the meeting of the decision of HSR Council at its last session to award Rear-Admiral (ret.) Alexandr Sorokin and Rear-Admiral (ret.) Grigory Baranov the category Honorary HSR Member. Rear-Admiral A. Sorokin has given many years of service in carrying out scientific research in the field of hydrography, oceanography, cartography, geodesy, sea geophysics and navigation, and to preparing hydrographers with the top skills. He is the author of works on hydrography, cartography, oceanography and geodesy. The English-Russian Dictionary of navigation, hydrography and oceanography compiled by him with Galina Tributs is an irreplaceable book for many hydrographers.
Rear-Admiral G. Baranov has served 38 years in the hydrographic service of the Pacific Ocean, twelve as chief of this service. During this period he organised all kinds hydrographic, oceanographic and geophysical research in the seas of the Far East, the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Both veterans are active members of the Society. Present members unanimously adopted this decision of Council, and N. Neronov presented both admirals with certificates of HSR Honorary membership.
The Certificate (Act) of the Revision Committee concerning checks on finances was then unanimously approved. The election of officials and members of Council followed. Dr Nikolay Neronov was again re-elected as president and Dr Nikolay Nesterov was elected vice-president. Captain of the 1st rank Valentin Smirnov was elected honorary secretary. After fourteen years volunteer work, Victor Rybine has abandoned this post, but remains on the Council. Other members of the Council were elected or re-elected: Yury Gorbunov, Andrey Leonov and Roman Romeyko-Gurko.
By tradition, after announcement of the election results and thanks to the financial help of some members of the Society, a buffet was given. This is very much appreciated by HSR members as it provides easy and friendly conditions for the exchange of information and opinions, not only on professional but also any other matters.

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