Geomares supports businesses that want to grow by devising smart marketing campaigns and executing them until you reach your goals! With our enthusiastic team of dedicated, knowledgeable marketing advisors and content professionals, and the largest global database of decision-makers in the geomatics and hydrographic community, we form the link in the interaction between professional buyers and businesses. We are always happy to inform or advise you about marketing opportunities through our diverse array of communication channels. Offering unmatched access to people, data, insights and knowledge, Geomares is the best gateway to the geospatial and hydrographic markets.
GIM International
The geomatics information magazine
Global perspective on the latest news, developments and topical overviews
Published 6 times a year with a global distribution in 165 countries
Hydro International
The international informative journal for the hydrographic market and professionals
Published 6 times a year with a global distribution in 192 countries
Geomatics World
Three decades of delevring up to the minute news and hot industry topics
Published 6 times a year in the United Kingdom and Ireland
More than 1.800 products within the geospatial and marine technoglogy segments
Worldwide exposure of your products
Find High-Quality prospects and leads.
Other publications:
The Annual Buyers Guides for GIM International & Hydro International, Geo-matching Products4Geo Industryguide and Products4Engineers magazine (Dutch only).
Online services
GIM International E-newsletter. Sign up.
Hydro International E-newsletter. Sign up.
Geomatics World E-newsletter. Sign up.
Geo-matching Product platform. Sign up.
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