SBG Systems


SBG Systems S.A.S.

  • 1 Avenue Eiffel
    78420 Carrières-sur-Seine

About SBG Systems

SBG Systems is a leading supplier of compact, high-performance & cost-effective inertial motion sensing solutions.
Our Motion Sensors and Inertial Navigation Systems are ideal for hydrographic applications, ship motion monitoring, LiDAR, MBES, buoy orientation and positioning; and ROV & AUV control. 

NEW Qinertia 4: Post-Processing Made Easy for all Marine Surveyors’ Projects

SBG Systems’ Post-Processing software called Qinertia gives access to offline RTK corrections from more than 10,000 base stations located in 164 countries. Trajectory and orientation are then greatly improved by processing inertial data and raw GNSS observables in forward and backward directions. 

Qinertia 4 is packed with many innovative functionalities that push the boundaries of navigation capabilities, such as the extended CORS network support, for example. It gives users access to a vast network of 5300 SmartNet Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) for reliable GNSS data processing. 

Qinertia 4 also introduces Ionoshield PPK mode. This cutting-edge feature compensates for ionospheric conditions and baseline distances, allowing users to perform Post-Processing Kinematics (PPK) even for long baselines and/or harsh ionospheric conditions. It ensures surveyors achieve centimeter accuracy even in regions with unpredictable ionospheric disturbances. 

All-in-one Solution dedicated to Hydrographic Survey in all conditions

Highly versatile, the Navsight Marine Solution comes as a Motion Reference Unit (MRU), providing roll, pitch, and heave or as a full Navigation Solution with embedded tri-frequency GNSS receiver. Navsight INS offers a continuous position in all conditions, such as surveying under a bridge, or during a GNSS outages due to coastal infrastructures (buildings, harbor cranes, etc.). 

Navsight Marine Solution provides high performance motion and navigation data as well as a real-time heave accurate to 5 cm, which automatically adjusts to the wave frequency. To allow surveying when wave frequencies are large or complex, Navsight comes with a delayed heave feature resulting in a heave accurate to up to 2 cm computed in real-time with a little delay. If higher performance is required, the surveyor can count on SBG INS/GNSS post-processing software named Qinertia. 

Ellipse Series: The Smallest Heave Sensors on the Market

its new 64-bit architecture, the Ellipse Series 3rd generation enables the use of high precision algorithms and technology used in high-end inertial systems such as rejection filters, FIR filtering, etc. All Ellipse miniature INS are now RTK-enabled without extra cost and output raw data for post-processing. All these features are made possible in small and robust aluminum enclosure box version, but also in the 17-gram OEM version providing unmatched performance/size ratio. 

All Ellipse marine versions output a 5cm heave, that adjusts automatically to the wave period. Fusion with DVL could be an additional performance enhancement for real-time navigation. This sensor could be easily integrated into marine projects thanks to compatibility with numerous industry software (TSS1, PASHR, INDYN protocols). Ellipse is the smallest heave sensor at this level of performance, and the OEM version allows the tightest integrations.

A Complete Offer for all Marine Applications

SBG Systems offers other ranges of MRU and INS for marine applications, such as the Ekinox and Apogee Series.

Ekinox has been designed to offer a smart balance of performance in a compact, low-weight, and low-power but robust enclosure (IP68 for Surface version). It achieves the tactical grade in a compact and affordable package, thanks to a drastic selection of high-end MEMS sensors, an advanced calibration procedure, and powerful algorithm design.

With very low noise gyroscopes, low latency, and high resistance to vibrations, the Apogee Series provides precise roll, pitch, heading, heave, and position data. This high-performance and highly versatile MEMS Inertial Navigation Systems embeds an internal Extended Kalman Filter that fuses in real-time inertial and GNSS data for enhanced position and orientation measurements in harsh environments (bridge, tunnel, forest, etc.)

Meet Our Staff

SBG Ellipse-N - INS

Ellipse-N is a small-sized high performance RTK Inertial Navigation System (INS) with integrated GNSS receiver. It provides Roll, Pitch, Heading, Heave, and Nav...

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SBG Ellipse-E - INS

Ellipse-E is a versatile miniature inertial navigation sensor that connects to external GNSS receiver to provide navigation data, and other sensors such as DVL...

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Navsight Ekinox Grade MRU

Navsight Marine Solution - Ekinox Grade consists in an Inertial Measurement Unit connected to Navsight, a rugged processing unit embedding the fusion intelligen...

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Navsight Apogee Grade MRU

Navsight Marine Solution - Apogee Grade consists in an Inertial Measurement Unit connected to Navsight, a rugged processing unit embedding the fusion intelligen...

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Navsight Land & Air Solution - Motion & Navigation Solution
