Hydro International - January/February 2018
In 2016, a group of MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) scientists and engineers, led by geologist Charlie Paull, returned to the Beaufort Sea on the Canadian Coast Guard Icebreaker Sir Wilfrid Laurier in collaboration with researchers from the Geological Survey of Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Paull and his team conducted mapping surveys with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), followed by dives with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to ground-truth the mapping surveys and conduct targeted sampling.
This issue contains the following articles:
- World’s First Fully Autonomous Hydrographic Survey
- Finding Lost Aircraft with Pingers
- Seabed 2030: A Call to Action
- Shallow Inland Water Bathymetry
- Israeli Navy Transforms to New GIS Technology
- Oceanology International 2018 Preview