First SHOALS-1000T Survey
Thales GeoSolutions (Pacific) recently completed a hydrographic and topographic LIDAR survey with the SHOALS-1000T laser bathymeter, the first time that SHOALS-1000T has been used for commercial applications. This was also the first time that hydrographic and topographic LIDAR data have been collected from the same airborne sensor. The system toggles between the two modes in mid-flight at the switch of a button and also comes fitted with a co-registered digital camera.
The project specified the collection of
data on the north-eastern United States coast in order to determine the existing conditions of harbours and harbour entrances, mainly focusing on the conditions of jetties, breakwaters, near shore bathymetry and the beach. The United States Army Corps of Engineers, New England district, will be using the data, which was collected at the following locations: Newburyport and Nantucket, Massachusetts, Point Judith, Rhode Island and Scarboro, Maine.