Italian Hydrographic Society to commemorate World Hydrography Day
On 21 June, the Italian Hydrographic Society (IHS) will hold a conference to commemorate World Hydrography Day, under the high patronage of the International Hydrographic Organization and the Istituto Idrografico della Marina di Genova. This significant event aims to enhance public awareness and understanding of the critical role that hydrography and hydrographers play in fostering a sustainable and harmonious relationship with our oceans.
The conference agenda is packed with insightful presentations and discussions led by prominent hydrographic professionals. Key topics to be explored include the contribution of offshore wind to environmental knowledge and the energy transition, the application of standards for hydrographic surveys, and hydrography as a key tool for the design and development of floating wind farms.
Deeper appreciation of ocean protection
The programme also features discussions on themes including approaches to observing the deep marine environment for scientific purposes with the support of hydrography, integrated solutions for coastal mapping and monitoring, insights into KM3NET – a scientific research laboratory located at the ocean floor – hydrography for sea rescue operations, and the symbiotic relationship between the underwater dimension and hydrography, highlighting their combined potential for the continuous and strategic utilization of the ‘sea resource’. Through these sessions, the IHS aims to cultivate a deeper appreciation of the importance of protecting our oceans and ensuring their continued health and vibrancy.
The event enjoys patronage and support from a wide range of esteemed institutions, including the Italian Coast Guard, Assemblea Regione Siciliana, Città di Acireale, the Italian Red Cross, AIAS Acireale, Istituto Italiano di Navigazione, ONTM Osservatorio Nazionale Tutela Mare, Catania University, Parthenope University, Sapienza University Department of Geopolitics and Global Security and UPGC. The conference is also sponsored by Generali Insurance.
For those unable to attend in person, a remote participation option will be available, ensuring that the conference’s valuable insights and discussions can reach a global audience.
By fostering public awareness of hydrography, the IHS hopes to underscore the essential role of hydrography in ocean conservation and sustainable development, ultimately promoting a healthier and more vibrant marine ecosystem.