USS granted MGN 705 exemption for UK marine operations

USS granted MGN 705 exemption for UK marine operations

Uncrewed Survey Solutions (USS), a prominent UK-headquartered provider of marine data acquisition and uncrewed surface vessel (USV) manufacturing, has achieved a significant milestone. The company has received official acknowledgement from the UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) under the MGN 705 general exemption for ROUV safe operations. This recognition allows USS to perform its specialized hydrographic surveying work within UK waters.

As a leader in USV innovation, USS designs, builds and operates its own fleet, delivering tailored marine data collection projects. The company’s expertise spans hydrographic and geophysical applications, providing precision and efficiency in every mission.

Having successfully operated internationally, the UK-headquartered business has received official acknowledgement that USS’ own Accession Class USV can be operated to support customers in UK waters, due to the MCA releasing MGN 705 specifically for Mini-MASS craft from 2.5 to <4.5 metres in length.

Advancing safe operations

James Williams, serving as CEO at Uncrewed Survey Solutions, is an advocate of driving the industry in its safer operations, both in the UK and on a global basis. Williams is an active member of numerous working groups, including the Surface Autonomy Subgroup for the FAST (Future Autonomous At Sea Technologies) Cluster, and champions engagement with the UK Department for Transport and MCA regarding matters affecting Mini-MASS.

“As a pioneering business, we are delighted that USS is at the forefront of supporting the UK as a leader in upholding ROUV safe operations. The MCA’s new general exemption regulations enable smaller uncrewed vessels to be remotely operated in UK waters, in line and hand-in-hand with other stringent regulations including SOLAS and COLREGS,” Williams stated.

He continued: “Being one of the first to embrace the new Marine Guidance Note mirrors USS’ ethos in focusing on greener, safer and efficient seagoing operations, together with helping to drive MASS industry innovation and supporting the success of UK PLC.”

Over-the-horizon projects

The UK is regarded as a global leader in safe ROUV operations, as demonstrated by the MCA’s Marine Guidance Notice MGN 705 setting a pathway for hi-tech small ROUVs operating in UK waters.

ROUVs between 2.5 metres and under 4.5 metres in length overall may comply with the general exemption set out in MGN 705 permitting eligible vessels to operate without certification issued by the MCA or its delegates. Vessels subject to this general exemption are expected to be under the constant supervision of a human operator, with the means to take control at any time.

Operating under the general exemption allows USS to further assist its customers in their transition from traditional crewed surveying operations to the utilization of smaller, uncrewed craft delivering turnkey 24/7 hydrographic surveying and marine data acquisition solutions for both Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) over-the-horizon projects.

USV from Uncrewed Survey Solutions (USS) conducting a survey in offshore wind farm waters. (Image courtesy: USS)
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