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GEBCO and Deep Water

GEBCO uses deepwater survey data to produce bathymetry maps and grids. Published maps appear complete but are in fact based on very little data. Only a portion of the deep...

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EM 2042

EM 2042 Multibeam Echosounder Small in size, but powerful in potential, the EM 2042 Multibeam Echosounder is efficient, light, robust and reliable: delivering high-density, high-resolution, clean data in the most demanding marine environments. With...

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Slocum Glider

The Slocum glider is buoyancy-driven to enable long-range and duration remote water column observation for academic, military, and commercial applications. It can be deployed and recovered from any size vessel with minimal time on station The Slocum glider is buoyancy driven to enable long range and duration remote water column observation for academic, military, and commercial applications. The Slocum Glider can be deployed and recovered...

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Deep-water Black-box Retrieval

Restricted operating life, limited range and bearing ambiguity in deep water are the known limitations of current locator beacons mounted on aircraft. These problems raise important questions: what is the...

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S-44 and the systematic error

IHO standard S-44 is often used (or misused) to specify the quality of a hydrographic survey. While it is a useful tool, it is easy to misinterpret. One ‘misuse’ is...

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