Antarctic Surveying

Every month we will focus on a specific theme, featuring a selection of articles which have previously been published in Hydro International magazine. By including a mix of older and more recent articles, we will present a complete recap of the subject. Furthermore, we will be bringing you a bi-weekly round-up of ‘Focus Stories’ related to the theme through our newsletter (sign up here). The theme for November 2017 is:

Antarctic Surveying

This Focus on GNSS is interesting as it covers a fascinating area, having its requirements for the surveyors’ skills and equipment. However, also alternative and small-scale approaches may work well.


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The Pull of the Poles

The Pull of the Poles

The 2015 April issue of Hydro International considered the contribution of Forward-looking Sonar (FLS) to safer navigation in inadequately charted waters. Certain polar waters...

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International Bathymetric Charts

International Bathymetric Charts

Since the 1970s, the International Bathymetric Charts (IBCs) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission have offered a framework for compiling soundings with a view to produ...

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Ice Navigation and the ­Electronic Age

Ice Navigation and the ­Electronic Age

Ice navigation is more of an art than a science, and like most arts, does not fit neatly into any scheme for enhancement by electronic means. It is an art learned in theory at navi...

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About the Focus Stories

Every month we will focus on a specific theme, featuring a selection of articles which have previously been published in Hydro International magazine. to present a complete recap of the subject. If you don't want to miss these themed recaps, sign up for the newsletter (sign up here).

Antarctic Surveying

Surveying in the Extremes

Surveying in the Extremes

In 2007, the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research's (NIWA) deepwater 70m research vessel Tangaroa returned from a voyage to Antarctic waters. It had here continue...

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The International Polar Year

The International Polar Year

Bathymetric mapping remains incomplete in the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Some proposed International Polar Year activities could help improve the situation by collecting new sound...

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Southern Ocean Bathymetry

Southern Ocean Bathymetry

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) expert group for the compilation of the new International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) proposes to build a...

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Antarctic Surveying

Autonomous Drifting Echo-sounding Buoys

Autonomous Drifting Echo-sounding Buoys

Drifting echo-sounding buoys will soon provide bathymetric control in inaccessible areas of the oceans. The SSPARR (Seafloor Soundings in Polar and Remote Regions) buoy project hol...

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Sea Levels and the Coast

Sea Levels and the Coast

The oceans are a central part of the global climate system. As Roger Revelle, one of the early directors of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, said, “The oceans exert a p...

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Surveying in the Ross Sea

Surveying in the Ross Sea

The deepwater research vessel Tangaroa of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) of New Zealand undertakes regular research expeditions to the Antarctic...

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