Bathymetric Lidar

Bathymetric LidarBathymetric Lidar is a technique to capture geospatial data of the coastline and (shallow) waters. It is a method potentially facilitating efficient and fast creation of hydrographic data. You find articles on this technique and various applications all over the world.

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What Users Want in Their Bathymetry

What Users Want in Their Bathymetry

More and more users are demanding bathymetry to support many new and different applications. New applications have necessitated changes in data acquisition and processing technolog...

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Bathymetric Lidar

Lidar Seafloor Classification

Lidar Seafloor Classification

Airborne Lidar (Light Detecting and Ranging) is a well-established remote sensing technique which scans the terrain and seafloor with high-frequency laser pulses. Until now, bathym...

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Pushing Lidar to the Limits

Pushing Lidar to the Limits

Airborne bathymetric Lidar is an ideal tool to study underwater features in the usually rather clear waters along the coast of Australia. Due to the remoteness of many of the conti...

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Bathymetric Lidar

Improving Satellite-derived Bathymetry

Improving Satellite-derived Bathymetry

Bathymetry is traditionally acquired using singlebeam or multibeam echosounders. This method produces accurate depth measurements along transects but is constrained by operating co...

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Technology in Focus: Bathymetric Lidar

Technology in Focus: Bathymetric Lidar

Bathymetric Lidar is the most effective and cost-efficient technology to capture both the land and sea floor simultaneously, in order to provide a continuous, detailed 3D elevation...

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