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Mapping through fluid mud

The presence of suspended sediments in water bodies presents significant challenges for the dredging industry. Existing methods to determine nautical depths are intrusive single point methods relying on in situ density or shear strength measurements1,3 or low-frequency single-beam echosounder recordings1,2. The use of single-beam echosounders is however systemically problematic as they are not practical in satisfying the CATZOC A1 coverages required for contemporary electronic navigational charting. The presence of suspended sediments in water bodies presents significant challenges for the dredging industry. Existing methods to determine nautical depths are intrusive single point methods relying on in situ...

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Lidar in surveying & mapping

Lidar, short for Light Detection and Ranging surveying, represents a sophisticated measuring system leveraging the power of light. Widely recognized for its versatility, Lidar is extensively applied in diverse fields...

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The AquapHOx underwater long-term loggers enable accurate and higly resolved total pH measurements, long-term O2 monitoring and trace O2 detection. They are available as single analyte shallow water and flexible deep-sea multi-analyte loggers. The cost-effective and easy-to-operate deep sea logger allows to measure O2 or total scale pH with the same compact instrument succesively. Simply exchange the sensor head, choose between different analytes and sensor formats and deploy down to 4000m water depth. For advanced underwater applications, PyroScience recently launched the unique all-in-one AquapHOx platform for monitoring critical parameters and their dynamics underwater; in open ocean, the deep sea, coastal ecosystems, rivers, lakes...

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SOUTH Marine Division, specializing in hydrography and marine survey, is actually a subsidiary of SOUTH Survey Group, a leading Chinese giant manufacturer in the geo-spatial industry.  With 35 years of...

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