SIG Pulse M2 Sparker/Boomer System for Chinese University

SIG Pulse M2 Sparker/Boomer System for Chinese University

China Eastern Normal University has purchased the SIG Pulse M2 system for students who are training in marine seismic data capture and processing. They will be using sparker and boomer techniques with the same energy source SIG Pulse M2 which delivers from 100 to 2,000 joules. The sea acceptance tests (SAT) of June 2014 were performed around the Zhoushang Islands, one of the most famous China East Sea fishing locations.

The result from both boomer and sparker were quite good, according to the supplying company Geo-Marine-Tech in China.

The seismic data is recorded and processed with the Triton SB-logger system, which is combined here with the SIG France solution.

Image: SIG Pulse M2 on board a fishing boat.

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