10,000th Motion Tracker Presented

10,000th Motion Tracker Presented

At Oceanology International 2010 in London, Xsens' 10,000th Motion Tracker was presented. During a celebration lunch for Xsens 10th anniversary Casper Peeters, CEO of Xsens, handed over an award with the 10,000th Motion Tracker embedded to Simon Partridge, Engineering Director of Sonardyne.

"Sonardyne is a valued customer of us," says Casper Peeters. "Sonardyne has high expectations with regard to quality and we are therefore proud that Sonardyne selects our inertial 3D tracking technology for their products such as the Scout USBL, Radian AHRS and Sentinel IDS (Intruder Detection System). Sonardyne has been a customer of Xsens for over five years and the number of Sonardyne products that benefit from Xsens technology is still growing. We are glad to hand over the 10.000th Motion Tracker in Xsens history to them."

"We are pleased to work with Xsens," adds Simon Partridge. "They are a trusted partner with whom we have established a close 2-way technical relationship to ensure best performance for some difficult applications."

The handover of the 10,000th motion tracker was part of the 10th anniversary lunch, where speakers from Evologics, Sonardyne and Saab explained the deployment of the Xsens MTi and MTi-G in their applications for control, stabilization and dynamics measurement. Leading industry representatives participated in the networking lunch.

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