EMODnet Bathymetry DTM Further Expanded

EMODnet Bathymetry DTM Further Expanded

The February 2015 release of the EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) has been updated in the last 6 months and has now been published. Like the previous release, the Digital Terrrain Model covers all European seas. However several anomalies as identified have been corrected, improving the overall product considerably. The number of survey datasets and composite DTMs used as sources has increased from approx. 6,000 to approx. 7,000.

Many of the survey data is based on recent observations and originates from existing data providers but there is also some data from new data providers. The new DTM has 31 data providers from 18 countries. References to the used data and their data holders can be found in the source references layer. The resolution of the DTM is a grid with 1/8 * 1/8 arc minutes (approx. 230 metres).

Multi Resolution Test

In addition, the new release includes layers showing high-resolution bathymetry for selected coastal waters in Europe to test the concept of a multi resolution product. High resolution data is available for the German North Sea coast, the French Mediterranean coast and Dunmanus Bay in Ireland.

Altogether the EMODnet DTM contains data points (28.799 rows x 37.922 columns) which are divided over 16 tiles which can be downloaded freely in various formats. You can view and browse through the DTM using the Bathymetry Viewing and Download service, which also allows you to download tiles. The NetCDF format can be used in combination with the 3D viewer software, which you can find at the portal. When trying the Bathymetry Viewing and Download service, please clear your browser cache.

Further upgrading of the EMODnet DTM is planned incorporating even more surveys and further improvement of the digital bathymetry. Therefore potential survey data providers are invited to make contact for cooperation and to contribute to generating an even better DTM product.  

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