Engineer Impresses on Demanding Mobilisation

Engineer Impresses on Demanding Mobilisation

Aberdeen engineer Stuart Fraser has recently returned from overseas where he was supporting a Hallin Marine mobilisation. The mobilisation was a demanding job, due to the number of components required on the ROV. Ashtead Technology had a wide range of survey sensors onboard two Hallin ROV's. An ROV was deployed with a Seabat 8125, Octans Gyro, RDI Workhorse Navigator, a Valeport mini SVS as well as a range of Tritech bathycorrometers and Profilers, all rented from Ashtead Technology. A second ROV, also had a Tritech Bathy.  


As an Ashtead Technology Offshore Support Engineer, Stuart supported the set-up of the Ashtead Technology equipment allowing for a smooth mobilisation of the ROVs. He was also responsible for integrating a Reson fibre optic convertor and updated power supply to the ROV electronics pods.


Stuart and the ROV team had to work in extremely difficult conditions, namely extreme temperatures - exceeding 45°C on deck. Stuart performed an outstanding job and received positive comments regarding his ability, knowledge and willingness. Hallin's ROV Superintendent stated 'Stuart's work ethic was first class, and he showed an exceptional knowledge of the ROV equipment, especially during the modifications required to integrate the Seabat System to the ROV.'




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