Metocean Services International Agent For RBR in Australia

Metocean Services International Agent For RBR in Australia

Metocean Services International (MSI) have been appointed Australian agents for RBR Ltd. This company provides oceanographic products to scientists, government agencies, military, universities, and individuals. The product range includes single, dual and multi-channel data loggers, salinometers, tide gauges and water level recorders. RBR also has extensive experience of successfully integrating their instruments with other international manufacturers sensors. As well as a complete team of oceanographers and engineers available to calibrate instruments to WOCE standards and to support clients queries and requirements, RBR also have a range of accessories available to support oceanographic programs. This appointment coincides with the recent launch of the MSI Australia office. To date MSI have already worked with RBR Ltd. and represents RBR in South Africa through its sister company Lwandle Technologies.

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