USBL for Noisy Waters

USBL for Noisy Waters

iXBlue (France) has sold two GAPS pre-calibrated USBL systems and a PHINS 6000 inertial navigation system to Ashtead Technology (UK). GAPS (Global Acoustic Positioning System) is designed for high-accuracy tracking of ROVs, AUVs, divers and sonar or other towed systems. It can be used in a wide range of water depths, but performs particularly well in shallow, acoustically noisy waters.


 The units have their own internal inertial navigation system, which is pre-calibrated with the USBL before delivery to clients. This removes the need for a USBL calibration every time the system is mobilised.


PHINS 6000 is a subsea INS that provides position, true heading, attitude, speed and heave data. The highly accurate inertial measurement unit is coupled with an embedded digital signal processor that runs an advanced Kalman filter.


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