Wi-Fi and iOS App Convenience for RBR Instruments

Wi-Fi and iOS App Convenience for RBR Instruments

The latest RBR instruments can now be equipped with wireless (Wi-Fi) telemetry, simple twist/turn activation, and a convenient iPhone application (iOS app), compatible with the RBR RUSKIN software. On stand D11 at Ocean Business, the company is providing visitors with a preview of these innovative features which help simplify on-site deployment efforts while still retaining the overall robust and reliable design features. There is no longer a need to source an interface cable or fuss with opening a logger during deployment.

RBR will be hosting a classroom training seminar on Tuesday, 9 April at 2:00 p.m. This session will detail the latest RBR innovations and it will also cover the RBRconcerto C.T.D (with up to 13 channels of fully integrated sensors). The new RBRsolo single channel temperature logger will also be featured - a small compact logger which provides limitless deployments.  

On Thursday 11 April at 9:00 a.m., RBR will be conducting a live dockside demonstration of the inductive mooring line modem system (MLM). The MLM can be deployed without prior configuration, and works not only with RBR instruments but with other high sampling-rate OEM devices.

Visit the RBR stand to see a demonstration of the instruments and find out how they can support the hydrographic surveyor's work. 

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