CHC Navigation

  • CHCNAV | Smart Navigation & Geo-Spatial Technology Park
    577 Songying Road
    201703 Shanghai

About CHC Navigation

CHC Navigation at a glance

CHC Navigation (CHCNAV) is a publicly listed company creating innovative GNSS navigation and positioning solutions. With a global presence across the world and distributors in over 120 countries, and more than 1,500 employees, CHC Navigation is today recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in geomatics technologies.

From GNSS Survey to Marine Construction

CHC Navigation develops advanced geospatial technologies and provides a wide range of state-of-the-art solutions for land surveying, construction, GIS, hydrography and bathymetric survey, deformation monitoring, precision farming and 3D mobile mapping for mass data acquisition.

Our Marine Survey Solutions

The Apache series consists of several integrated marine drone solutions for conducting bathymetric surveys, high-resolution hydrographic projects, current profiling, and water sampling in a fully autonomous manner. The Apache 3 is an unmanned portable vessel that provides a cost-effective solution for performing single-beam bathymetric surveys. The Apache 4 is specifically designed for current water profiling and is compatible with all major ADCP brands. The Apache 6 is a USV designed for high-resolution hydrographic surveys with integrated Norbit™ multibeam echo sounders. 

Make Your Work More Efficient

The CHCNAV slogan perfectly summarizes the way our GNSS Positioning and integrated Navigation Solutions are designed to dramatically improve productivity and provide an outstanding return on investment for our customers and business partners. 

Dealership Opportunities & Productive Cooperation

CHC Navigation invites potential dealers to apply for cooperation. Our dealers have a choice to represent one or more products based on the potential customers’ needs in their region. We communicate openly and frequently, build mutual trust, and help generate larger gains for every dealer. For details, please fill out the form on our website


The APACHE 6 USV is a fully-integrated innovative solution for 3D bathymetric survey, underwater object positioning, offshore construction, underwater archaeolo...

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Portable USV solution for bathymetric survey. Featuring triple-hulled and shallow draught design, the APACHE 3 is a portable USV for bathymetric surveys of lake...

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D390 echo sounder

The D390 is a cost-effective and rugged bathymetric solution that uses an advanced 200 kHz transducer to match different hydrographic conditions and significant...

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P2 Elite

The P2 Elite GNSS sensor is a dual-antenna high-precision IP67 receiver, with embedded 4G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and radio modems, designed to provide reliable and p...

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D390 - Portable professional hydrographic system
