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Charting depths from above with airborne bathymetric Lidar

Charting depths from above with airborne bathymetric Lidar

The mapping of underwater terrain and the monitoring of coastal and inland waters have been transformed by airborne bathymetric Lidar. The precision of laser-based remote sensing, combined with the ab...

AI-based automatic detection technology for rip currents

AI-based automatic detection technology for rip currents

To support the prevention of casualties from rip currents, the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) applied object detection and image classification technologies to real-time rip curren...

Skills and tech: hydrography’s balancing act

Skills and tech: hydrography’s balancing act

Each year, Hydro International picks up the sounding line to gauge the landscape of the hydrographic sector. By posing questions to the hydrographic community, we measure the currents and underlying t...

Promising future for hydrography

Promising future for hydrography

The hydrography profession seems to have a lower profile among young people compared to other marine sciences. Enrolment in hydrography courses has been decreasing for many years, and companies are st...

Debunking geodetics in specifications

Debunking geodetics in specifications

The basis of any construction or charting project is the definition of an unambiguous, retrievable horizontal and vertical Coordinate Reference System (CRS). This should be included in the contract sp...

Pushing the boundaries of marine research and exploration

Pushing the boundaries of marine research and exploration

The ocean covers 71% of the surface of our planet and encompasses 93% of the habitable volume on Earth. However, most of it is inaccessible to humans without technical assistance. Fortunately, innovat...

Aerial surveying for climate action

Aerial surveying for climate action

In the constantly evolving landscape of climate change, geospatial science stands out as a vital tool for understanding and addressing the complexities of our changing world, with aerial surveying pla...

Hydro International visits Exail in La Ciotat

Hydro International visits Exail in La Ciotat

The new DriX O-16, produced by Exail, was christened this summer in a ceremony attended by many officials, customers and co-workers in the harbour of La Ciotat. The transoceanic DriX O-16, the latest...


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If you want to contribute, please contact Wim van Wegen, Content Manager of Hydro International.

Contact information
Wim van Wegen
[email protected]
+31 (0)514 561854