15 Years between Subsea Battery Changes

15 Years between Subsea Battery Changes

WFS Technologies, UK, has developed a proprietary battery management system technology which enables the battery life of subsea wireless instrumentation and control systems to be extended to up to 15 years. Seatooth Endure technology integrates this battery management technology with reliable wireless data connectivity to deliver sensor, monitoring and control systems which have an extended operating life, facilitating deployment in relatively inaccessible or sealed environments.

The benefits of extended battery systems in subsea asset deployment include removing the cost and complexity of standard 6 to 12-month interval battery swaps and permanent deployment of sensors in buried or inaccessible locations.

Paul Tooms, WFS Advisory Board member and former chief engineer at BP, states that WFS battery management technology is potentially game changing for the subsea industry as it creates the possibility that sensors can be installed subsea to monitor assets for a number of years without the need for expensive ROV intervention.


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