3D Real Time Sonar for Emergency Survey

3D Real Time Sonar for Emergency Survey

CodaOctopus recently completed the sale of an Echoscope and F180 series system to international maritime salvage and marine emergency response company, T&T Marine Salvage Inc. of Galveston, Texas. The Echoscope augments T&T Marine's technology with real-time 3D sonar survey and imaging capabilities.

This purchase follows a series of successful on-project system trials in Texas and Kentucky, where T&T Marine was appointed as the salvage contractor following the collision of the vessel 'Delta Mariner' with the Eggner Ferry Bridge.

Training was completed in May and the system is now being extensively used. Don Draper, Remote Operations manager for T&T Marine finds that the capability of the Echoscope to visualise complex structures in real time 3D is the perfect technology for T&T Marine. The system has already established itself as one of the primary tools for rapid appraisal and assessment of the complex underwater environments associated with marine emergencies.

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