AUVs: Future Technologies & Emerging Markets

AUVs: Future Technologies & Emerging Markets

Due to the popular demand for a repeat performance, The Australian Hydrographic Society (AHS) and The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) are presenting a 3rd Joint AUV Technical Seminar & Exhibition, on 1rst November 2007 in Perth. The success of the 2005 and 2006 AUV Seminar/Exhibitions together with the interest in AUV technology has given the Perth Branch of the SUT in conjunction with the AHS the impetus to again hold an AUV Seminar.  

After three three years, the growth of sub-sea oil & gas developments into deepwater still continues to grow. Additionally, the emergence of near-shore and port underwater security, environmental and operational markets as another AUV environment is gaining momentum. This joint seminar has become one of the most important networking opportunities to meet with industry leaders in this innovative sector of sub-sea development. Technology and recent experiences in AUV operations will be presented with the aim of providing continued professional awareness to pipeline engineers, oil & gas field development specialists, hydrographic surveyors, geophysicists, geotechnical engineers, survey operation managers, nearshore port & security operators and all other innovative thinkers.


This seminar will again reveal the findings of the recent use of AUV technology in the Australian Region, its functionality, operational capability and future developments. The recent experiences of users will be presented along with the significant technological advances with mission control, data handling, propulsion and fail safe systems. This year will also attract those interested in the use of innovative state of the art sonar sensors and graphic visualisation software and hardware systems that are now included as standard sensors on both AUV as well as ROVs .


Presentations will be made by a number of speakers from a manufacturer, academic and user perspective. The commercial leading companies that are world leaders in AUV technology and survey sensors will be exhibiting their services and products There will be three sessions presented by nine industry, defence and research speakers. This year plans are in place to hold an Ice Breaker function on the evening before the event.


If you would like to sponsor, exhibit or reserve a place at this event then please contact Joyce Bremner for more information.



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