Cable Telemetry Technology Available as OEM Product

Cable Telemetry Technology Available as OEM Product

EIVA offers a cable telemetry kit based on the technology used in its range of ScanFish remotely operated towed vehicles (ROTVs) as an OEM product for integration with subsea sensor and sonar systems. By splitting up the proven telemetry components of the ScanFish ROTV system for integration with other pieces of equipment, EIVA is able to offer manufacturers an off-the-shelf power and communications solution for easy integration with equipment deployed from a vessel using long cables.

The kit is available in a standard version with or without a subsea pressure bottle, and also in more customised version, to accommodate other needs and requirements.

All ScanFish ROTV systems include this technology. This means that the ScanFish Cable Telemetry Kit has proven its worth in many different applications.

The ScanFish Cable Telemetry Kit enables the user to save the time and money of developing their own setup from scratch when looking to power and establish communication with subsea equipment via long cables. It also diminishes the issues development normally poses. Furthermore, it becomes unnecessary to invest in expensive cables.


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