CARIS Embeds Geocoder

CARIS Embeds Geocoder

In May 2009, CARIS will deliver Version 7.0 of its prevalent CARIS HIPS and SIPS hydrographic processing software with fully integrated Geocoder technology. The integration of Geocoder into CARIS HIPS and SIPS provides the necessary correction and analysis tools to create and classify accurate mosaics.  

Within a single software solution, hydrographic professionals can optimise raw sidescan and backscatter data, produce high quality image mosaics and streamline hydrographic processing workflows. The Geocoder implementation in HIPS and SIPS delivers an array of automated geometric and radiometric corrections for more consistent and reliable mosaics of acoustic backscatter.


Moreover, the technology delivers methods in sediment analysis enabling new uses for the software where there is an outstanding need for intelligent seafloor classification such as marine research and offshore exploration. CARIS HIPS and SIPS Version 7.0 is scheduled for delivery in May 2009. Users are eagerly awaiting the introduction of its sophisticated tools to streamline workflows and gain new capabilities.


Ocean Business 2009 delegates have the opportunity to see a preview of CARIS HIPS and SIPS Version 7.0 during a training and demonstration workshop on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 1500.



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