CEDA Opens Digital Library

CEDA Opens Digital Library

The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) has added the CEDA Digital Library to its website. With the opening of the Digital Library, CEDA provides online access to scientific and technical knowledge on all aspects of dredging and marine construction available in its conference proceedings.  

CEDA conferences are recognised worldwide as valued technical forums for presenting and discussing the newest developments in the field of dredging. All conference papers included in the Digital Library have been peer-reviewed by international experts.


While the field of dredging is constantly changing with new, more advanced technologies and equipment becoming available and new innovative approaches at a fast pace, there is still an enormous value in papers published in earlier years. It is therefore CEDA's aim to provide immediate access also to those gems of knowledge currently only available in hard copy proceedings. Now that the electronically readily available content has been added to the Digital Library, CEDA will proceed with digitising its earlier conference proceedings.


CEDA members will have free access to the full papers. Non-member site visitors can view the abstracts, presentations and tables of contents free of charge. Full papers can be purchased for EUR20 per paper.


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