Company Offering Autonomous Surface Vessel Services

Company Offering Autonomous Surface Vessel Services

Unmanned Survey Solutions (USS), headquartered in the UK, is offering unmanned surface vessels as a solution to the survey industry. Founded by Andrew Waddington to provide a complete hydrographic survey service through the use of multi-purpose unmanned surface vessels (MUSVs), USS believes the time is right for the hydrographic industry to find new solutions to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase safety.

Unmanned Survey Solutions is meeting these new challenges by utilising MUSVs as stand-alone systems or in conjunction with manned mother vessels to double or even triple survey efficiency.

Andrew, who has over 30 years of experience within the hydrographic industry, has been working closely with the manufacturers of USVs to tailor designs to meet specific survey requirements. He believes that the time is right for the next stage in the evolution of hydrographic surveying. The development of USVs and smarter systems means the profession can increase safety and improve efficiency without compromising quality. USS brings the latest technology and most experienced people to the challenges of increasing productivity and value without compromising on quality and standards.

Image: Multi-purpose unmanned surface vessel V4.0.

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