Deadline Extended for OI China Abstracts

Deadline Extended for OI China Abstracts

It is not too late to secure a speaking slot at China's premier marine science and ocean technology conference and exhibition, taking place from 3-5 November 2015 in Shanghai, as the organisers have extended the deadline. Professionals aiming to share technical content with the audience now have until 14 August 2015 to submit an abstract for one of the conference programmes.

Industry and academic peers that already have submitted an abstract for a presentation include RIEGL, Coda Octopus, Tritech, Shanghai Ocean University, Teledyne, Nautronix, Sonardyne, iXBlue and more.

Conference Programmes

Conference programmes are: Unmanned underwater vehicles; Hydrography survey & geophysics; Ocean observing & instrumentation; Underwater positioning & metrology; and Meeting the needs of China's offshore oil & gas and renewables operations.

In 2014, OI China welcomed 5,034 visitors to the event with 924 attending the conference from the following backgrounds:

• 55% academia

• 31% corporations

• 8% government

• 2% military

The guidelines and submission details for an abstract are available on the OI China website.

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