Digital Chart Service at Marintec China

Digital Chart Service at Marintec China

An electronic chart service designed to ease paper chart users into the digital age will be showcased by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) at the Marintec China show. The Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) contains 3000 charts providing official coverage of the world's commercial shipping routes, main ports and harbours at a comprehensive range of scales.  

ARCS charts are licensed on a chart by chart basis to give maximum flexibility as mariners only have to pay for the charts they require. ARCS is fully compatible with a wide range of Electronic Chart Systems (ECS) and Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems (ECDIS), enabling users to simply choose the system that meets requirements and budget.


Visitors to Marintec China will have plenty of opportunity to see UKHO's range of chart products as they will be on display at three distributors' stands. Bogerd-Martin Tianjin Marine Equipment Ltd (Chiina), Hong Yunn Sea Professional Co., Ltd (Taiwan) & Beijing Shipping Business Technology Development Co., Ltd (China) will be supported at the show as an indication of our commitment to mariners in the Far East.




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