DP-PHINS Completed 'Failure Mode Effect Analysis' Trials

DP-PHINS Completed 'Failure Mode Effect Analysis' Trials

The iXBlue DP-PHINS inertial navigation system has been proven in operation offshore West Africa for Subsea 7. The 4,500 t DP2 construction support / flex lay ship Simar Esperança has successfully completed FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) trials using this system.

Operating in 1,364m (4,475ft) of water, GL Noble Denton oversaw FMEA proving trials which confirmed the ability of DP-PHINS to integrate tightly with the DP system. Both static and dynamic tests were conducted, with the vessel holding position under control of the DP-PHINS to satisfactory tolerances. As part of the test, the vessel took excursions from the holding position, 20m North South, East and West, followed by a 360-degree rotation of the vessel while maintaining auto position.

The iXBlue system was connected to the Kongsberg K-POS DP-22 and the Kongsberg HiPAP500 system. The advanced inertial navigation technology contained within the DP-PHINS system fuses the acoustic positioning data from the USBL (GAPS or equivalent) with measurements of vessel rotation and acceleration to produce a blended position solution with smoother characteristics and a higher update rate than is possible from the acoustic system alone.

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