Estonian Navy Meeting MCM Challenge

Estonian Navy Meeting MCM Challenge

The Estonian Navy have carried out six months of successful operations using SeeByte's SeeTrack Military. The Estonian Navy acquired SeeByte's leading SeeTrack Military software with their REMUS AUV systems.

Lieutenant Risto Saimla from the Estonian Navy stated, "When we designed our new capability it was clear that we needed SeeTrack Military. We like that the interface has been designed in order to make AUV operations simple. We are able to plan for missions and post-process the data using the same intuitive interface. We are also able to create contact reports soon after the AUVs have been recovered and we can plan the next mission over the existing legacy data. Though our initial focus was MCM we now realise this is also a great tool for carrying out search and recovery missions."

SeeTrack Military has become the de facto standard smart technology for the worldwide defence market. Showcased in a multitude of military situations, this product is currently used by Navy teams to identify man-made underwater objects, search and recovery missions and to enhance the capabilities of their remote vehicles, marine mammals and divers. As a result, our customers are saving time, money and valuable man-hours while reducing unnecessary risk for the human operators who eventually have to interface with the underwater objects.

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