Fugro’s Seafloor Drill 2 Completes Challenging Site Investigation

Fugro’s Seafloor Drill 2 Completes Challenging Site Investigation

Fugro’s Seafloor Drill 2 (SFD2) has successfully completed a challenging multi-site investigation across the North West Shelf of Australia, encountering variable calcareous sediments and delivering results to support a jack-up drilling campaign. The work was performed in water depths of up to 112 metres and required in situ testing and sampling to a total length of 323 metres.

The SFD2 proved effective in sampling some of the world’s most difficult seabed sediments, from ultra-soft carbonate muds to highly weathered limestone. Its success can be attributed to a number of factors including the flexibility provided by the proprietary wireline system, the innovative approach to mud supply and a ‘hands-on’ approach by the geotechnical drillers. An additional advantage was the ability to airfreight the SFD2 to Australia.


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