General Acoustics’ Sub-Bottom Profiler at US Hydro 2007

General Acoustics’ Sub-Bottom Profiler at US Hydro 2007

The “SUBPRO 1210” Sub-Bottom Profiler will be featured at the US Hydro Conference from 14th to 17th May at booth 35, which is shared with General Acoustics’ US representative Seafloor Systems.

The Sub-Bottom Profiler operates with 12 kHz and a peak power of up to 10 kW. The system shows solutions for many applications and different tasks. Especially the use in very shallow water starting at 1.5m, the high resolution and the 10m penetration in sand will surprise and excite the visitors. General Acoustics also will exhibit its tide and wave gauge LOG_aLevel, which is used by the US Army Corps of Engineers district SF to support survey operations with accurate tidal and wave data.

Image: SUBPRO 1210 Result from Survey Port of Aberdeen

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