

As announced earlier the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB) will organise the 15th HYDRO Conference to be held from 6th to 9th November 2006 in Antwerp, Belgium. Venue of the event will be ‘Het Provinciehuis’.
The general theme of the Conference is: ‘Evolutions in Hydrography’, on which a number of key-note speakers will give their views. In line with previous HYDRO Conferences there will be an interesting scientific programme, for which the scientific committee recently published a ‘Call for Papers’. All topics related to hydrography are welcome. Abstracts should be submitted before 16th December 2005.
By tradition the Conference is also providing an excellent opportunity to learn on new developments and establish or renew contacts with colleagues from the hydrographic community.
For more general information on HYDRO 06 visit the website: www.hydro06.com

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