Hydrography is about Geospatial Data Availability

Hydrography is about Geospatial Data Availability

The Hydro16 event is taking place in Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, from 8-10 November 2016. About 400 professionals have joined the conference and the trade show to update their knowledge and skills and to meet fellow professionals. Geospatial data is becoming an increasingly important issue on the agenda and there is a strong call for making the collected data available.

The first keynote speaker was Peter Ehlers, reminding the audience that the venue’s location had been one of the alternatives to establish the BSH offices. In the end, it was decided that the office would be better placed in a more business-oriented area and to keep this venue available for recreational use. He emphasised the links between hydrography, oceanography and environment – and that to speak of maritime governance, the knowledge should be improved: hydrographic data is a cornerstone to achieve this.

Availability of Geospatial Data

Robert Ward, Secretary General of the IHO, emphasised this loud and clear during his presentation. Whoever collects data should also be making it available. This should be understood that people should be able to find and use the information. There may be conditions to this availability – as it is not a given that the data is to be used for everyone and at no cost. He found it more important that it’s possible to avoid having to mobilise another vessel to get data that’s lying around on a shelf. “We can make better use of the vessel capacity to survey areas that haven’t been mapped yet,” he concluded.

Trade Show

During the event, there were more than 50 businesses at the trade show presenting their new developments. There were also various workshops for people  aiming to get more in-depth knowledge on specific solutions and on vessels the equipment could be seen in operation. Due to the weather, an AUV demonstration could be followed in the hotel lobby belonging to the conference resort Hohe Düne.


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