Imtech: 20 million euro order for oil market in Nigeria

Imtech: 20 million euro order for oil market in Nigeria

Imtech N.V. has received an order from Shell Nigeria for the technical expansion and upgrading of five flow stations in the Cawthorne Channel Further Oil Development Project in Nigeria. One result of this will be to increase the production capacity of this oilfield by 30,000 barrels a day. The value of the contract for Imtech is approximately 20 million euro.
It involves technology for the flow stations Cawthorne Channel 1, 2 and 3, Awoba and Krakama.
The Cawthorne oilfield is located in south east Nigeria, close to the town of Port Harcourt. One of the objectives of the project to be implemented by Imtech is to increase the oil production capacity of the Cawthorne Channel 3 Flow station by 30,000 barrels per day. Furthermore, the entire instrumentation of this flow station and of the flow stations Cawthorne Channel 1 and 2, Awoba and Krakama is to be converted from mechanical to electronic technology. All the flow stations will also receive an IT upgrade. Finally, Imtech is responsible for the implementation of the gas lift facilities for these flow stations. The purpose of these facilities is to ensure that the gas released during oil extraction is injected back into the oilfield, in order to keep the pressure constant and make continuous production possible.
Imtech is responsible for the complete engineering, delivery, installation and first operation of all the technical systems in this multidisciplinary project. The logistics and installation activities on location will be carried out in close co-operation with the local representatives, under the supervision of Imtech.

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