Industry Input Sought on Draft U.N. Seabed Mining Regulations

Industry Input Sought on Draft U.N. Seabed Mining Regulations

The U.N. International Seabed Authority (ISA) recently issued a ‘Report on the draft framework for the regulation of deep seabed exploitation activities’. The ISA report on the draft regulation of marine mining is open for comment until 15 May 2015.

The ISA report highlights the agency's commitment to an open and inclusive dialogue with stakeholders in developing the regulatory framework. The ISA recognises the need to engage with a wider and multi-disciplinary audience of experts. It is important that robust scientific evidence and viewpoints are considered in this key document to advance the development of the ISA rules, regulations and procedures on seabed minerals exploitation.

The World Ocean Council is working to help ensure there is adequate ocean industry input to key international developments on policies, regulations, planning and priorities for responsible development of deep sea mineral resources and the environmental management of ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction.

The ocean business community is encouraged to ensure that government and inter-governmental agencies have full and balanced information regarding the use of ocean resources important for societal needs and development of the ‘Blue Economy’.

Image: Manganese nodules. Image courtesy: Geomar.

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