Inertial Navigation Systems Assist at Borehole Survey

Inertial Navigation Systems Assist at Borehole Survey

Zupt, USA, has proven its capabilities to profile well bores. Using a tool designed and built within 95 days the company recently mapped a well for a major operator onshore. The results from this work were absolute coordinates (Northing, Easting and Elevation) along the full length of the well. The custom-built inertial navigation tool was deployed to TD with the help of a well tractor for a large horizontal offset. The data was then post-processed and compared to control survey reference points to determine the accuracy of the survey.

Zupt was able to achieve absolute accuracy at the bottom of the well to within approximately a metre, with less than a metre variance between separate surveys in the same well. This level of precision is said to be unprecedented using current magnetic or well bore gyro techniques, and may be a game-changer for down hole surveys. While more testing and field operations are ongoing, Zupt is to bring this level of precision to the well bore mapping clients of the Oil and Gas industry.

Image: Zupt W-PINS Survey Assembly for borehole survey.

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