IPOZ Systems Expands

IPOZ Systems Expands

INS supplier IPOZ is ramping up their staff to prepare for their projected growth into the USA and International Markets. Chief Technical Officer Ziwen Liu recently appointed two new additions to the IPOZ staff.  

The first being Senior Program Analyst, Gang Qu. Qu has a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Houston and earned his B.S in Computer Science in Shenyang, China. With 5+ years in the software development industry, Qu brings his analytical knowledge and experience to aid in our Research and Development.


The second new hire to join the team is Systems Engineer, Iliya Levitan. With 20+ years in the Electrical Engineering field, Levitan will no doubt add some bulk to our systems development. He earned his Masters in Electrical Engineering in Minsk, Belarus, and we are very excited to have him aboard.



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